We are one of the best bone and joint care clinic in Chandigarh, with over 33 years of experience in healthcare serving the community since 1990.

Age 62/female, she was walking with locked knee and unable to bear full weight on left knee. Her X-rays and MRI showed quite advanced OA changes. She had already undergone heart by- pass surgery and been advised (TKR) 10year back. She was unable to take medication due to her heart problem. After PRP therapy she now walking pain free and regained full knee movements.

Age 56yrs/female, she is suffering from OA right knee since 2 years, One of her relatives got PRP therapy in the USA, she never wanted to take any painkiller as treatment. She directly went for PRP therapy.

Age 65yrs/female she is suffering from OA both knees and already undergone knee replacement surgery for the left knee one year back. Not at all happy with the results. She underwent PRP therapy for to right knee and is very happy and satisfied.

Age 69yrs old, is a wife of retired civil surgeon and tried all the types of treatment under the sun for knee OA. Check the feedback after the PRP therapy.
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+91 98140 06793
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